Payment - payment reference is the name of your first playing child
1. Bank transfer (preferred option)
sort code 20-36-16; account 63044602
Important - Please use the name of your first playing child as the Payment Reference.
International payments - Barclays Bank SWIFTBIC BUKBGB22 IBAN GB09 BUKB 2036 1663 0446 02
(Please note any currency conversions should include currency conversion fees).
2. Paypal or payment by credit/debit card - please click button below.
After clicking 'Pay Now'', please
1. Complete the total amount payable on the next page.
2. Sign into PayPal or choose 'Don't have a PayPal Account?' to pay by credit or debit card.
3. Finally, and importantly please use the 'additional information box' on the payment page to enter your Payment Reference (the name of the first playing child).
(one per family)
Accompanying Parent/Guardian - please complete all appropriate boxes
Check List:
1. Have you made payment?
2. Have you included the payment reference (name of first playing child)
3. Have you submitted the Application Form?
Thank you, we shall be in touch soon and very much look forward to seeing you in August.
NB. We strongly advise booking early. The course is usually oversubscribed by mid-May.
Deposits of £150 are non-refundable. All payment balances must be made by 15th June. No refunds can be made after July 1st. A £20 surcharge will be added to applications received after 1st July.
All participating families must be members of the BSI (British Suzuki Institute). To become a British Suzuki Institute member please phone: 020 3176 4170, or send an email to
Please note no dogs are allowed on site.
Please be aware that by attending the Summer Camp, you are giving permission for photographs and videos to be taken and these may be used on the website.
If you experience any difficulty using the form above or require advice with regard to payment, please contact
Residents please note, when only adjacent single rooms remain if parent & child or siblings need to share, it might be possible to move a mattress from an adjacent room to a single room so creating a room for two.
Please note, some mobile phones and ipads may have difficulty in showing the complete form above; if so please download the following form - 2024 TDSS Booking Form - once complete please email to Course Administrator Celia Cobb -
Please remember to transfer payment to TDSS sort code 20-36-16, account 63044602.